Thursday, April 30, 2009
Trial Class
Over-sized bib
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Flower neck float
Both of them looked so cute in the float. Can't wait to bring Vincy to the pool to try it out. Not sure she will like it or not. She didn't like it when we tried it on her at home though.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hurry up

Monday, April 27, 2009
8 months old

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Poor Boy!
Dinner on Friday
Boss entertaining his princess while waiting for the food to be served.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Crazy about clips
Monday, April 20, 2009
Here we come again
Took pictures with my darlings at the entrance first.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Large drawing

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Big Improvement for......
She did not protest when boss brought her into the pool. She is accustomed to the water and she looked at ease in it. She even laughed when boss played with her today.
She drank quite a bit of pool water. Look at her choking after drinking pool water.

Another improvement: Her hair is finally wet. We dripped water on her head and she was not scared. She used to swim with her head and face dry.

Oops, because of her petite build, her bikini shorts is too loose for her, so when boss swung her up and down in the pool, her bikini shorts dropped! My poor darling! Shame shame.

Friday, April 17, 2009
Naughty little Vincy
To document her naughty acts, I just need to give her a chance and let her explore my room freely.
Act 1: Playing with the bin

Act 5: Playing with the door's magnet
I was really shocked when I saw her with the door magnet yesterday. I have no idea how she managed to pull it out cos it has never came out before. (I did not even know that it could actually be taken out.)
Verdict: Extremely dangerous gal!
So the best place to put her in will be her cot. I have just converted the cot to a playpen so that she could not climb and fall.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Lucky me
In Vincy's case, she is even easier to manage than Clarence. She began sleeping through when she was 10 wks old. Except for the first 2 mths we need to carry and rock her to sleep, she falls asleep by herself in my room every night now. She does not even need anybody to lie down and keep her company till she's asleep. I just switch off the lights and go out.
Therefore, I count myself very lucky.

toe roll and swizzle
toe roll on 14/4:
He can roll for a longer distance so I would say he is making good progress except for his speed. He is still skating very slowly, like an old grandfather!
New skill taught this week was the swizzle (a basic, fish-shaped way of moving on skates, like figure of eight):
Surprise for Clarence: One of his classmate also turned up for the skating class. He had a good time running around with his friend after the lesson. Mummy was busy talking to other parent thus forgetting to take pictures of Clarence and his little friend.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ben 10 again!

Yes, Ben 10 toys!
I asked him to pose 5 different poses before we buy the toy for him.
He even queued up to pay for the toy himself.

Whenever he buys toys or tidbits, he will always tell the cashier he does not need plastic bag, wow so green rite.
Actually, he just wants to hold on to that toy or tidbit so that he can open it quickly. That's my boy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Seriously, I have no idea who or what he was pretending to be.

Non slip bath mat
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Rock-A-Bye baby
Cos he was reprimanded for playing with Vincy so roughly!

Friday, April 10, 2009
Science Centre Trip
Clarence loved playing inside.

Interview with boss about his experience: The voltage increase gradually and his hands felt numb. He could not release his hands from the chair during the process. 还钱受罪 was his overall conclusion. He offered me a dollar to try out the chair but I politely declined.

Before we left, we saw a booth for kids to decorate paper butterfly. Clarence was keen to try and he really concentrated and spent some time to decorate his butterfly. After he has finished, the lady at the booth pasted 2 little metal rings at the back of his butterfly and presto, he could balance the butterfly on one finger.