Tay Jieren Clarence 郑杰仁 

DOB:13 July 2004 Birth weight: 3.635kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tay Yingxi Vincy 郑颖希 

DOB:27 Aug 2008 Birth weight:3.125Kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Love who more?

Clarence keeps getting into trouble with me and boss lately. He has become naughtier, more rebellious and defiant. We are both very upset by his behaviour. Is it part of growing up or is it because of mei mei?
I tried to ask him why is he behaving in such a manner, he told me he felt we love mei mei more than him. Is that the real answer? Oh dear, how can we make him understand we love both of them as much.

1 comment:

qwerty12345 said...

They look really alike in this pic.