Tay Jieren Clarence 郑杰仁 

DOB:13 July 2004 Birth weight: 3.635kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tay Yingxi Vincy 郑颖希 

DOB:27 Aug 2008 Birth weight:3.125Kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, January 29, 2011

大世界 Carnival

We went to the 大世界 Carnival last Saturday. It wasn't a pleasant outing for us cos we encountered 4 ungracious people during our short 1 hr trip. Those people were really inconsiderate. Really spoilt our evening. We let the kids took 2 rides before heading for dessert.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Clarence came home and told me 2 of his classmates fight in the class when the teacher was not in class. He told me he wanted to stop them from fighting so he went and headbutted one of the classmate who was involed in the fight.

Faint! Took some time to explain to him that was not the way to stop people from fighting, he should tell the teacher instead.......

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baby bed

We went to Ikea and bought a baby bed for meimei's baby. Cheap and nice!

Vincy was very happy with the bed. Her baby is always lying on the bed now. She put the baby bed beside her bed in our room.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My joker!

Joke 1:
Clarence came home the other day and as usual, I asked him how much he manage to save. He told me he had no more money. I was shocked cos he normally will have a dollar left. I asked him why and he said he gave his money to his classmate. When his classmate asked for help to buy more food, my son stopped eating, asked another classmate to look after his food while he went with the boy to help him get food. The boy ordered an egg and my 'kind' son gave his remaining dollar to the boy. When the food stall auntie gave the change, Clarence allowed the classmate to keep the change. His reason was: since the food was his friend's then the change will be his too. Faint!
I told him I understand he was being kind and helpful but reminded him not to give his money to others.

Joke 2:
Clarence has been allocated a locker in school. He needs to bring a padlock to school so that he can put his belongings inside and lock the locker. I gave him a padlock to bring to school the other day and I took pains to explain and show him how to lock and unlock. The next day after he came back from school, I asked him if he put his things inside the locker, he told me no. I asked him why and he told me he was afraid his things would be lost if he put them inside. I told him he can lock it but guess what was his answer?
He told me other people will take cos everyone has KEYS.
I laughed and was lost for words for a moment before explaining to him his key is unique and other people's keys cannot open his padlock. Piang! Dun know he is innocent or silly.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Clarence learnt Wushu during PE today.

He did lots of stretching during the Wushu practice and was happy to demonstrate what he learnt today.

He had tennis for last week's PE. He enjoys school. School is fun for him except the waking up early and going to student care after school.
He is still eating from the same stall in the canteen but slight improvement, he asked for different dish. He tried satay (with rice and black sauce) yesterday and egg (with rice and black sauce) today.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

His third day

Daddy and mummy only went to his school on the first day. Clarence was on his own from the 2nd day onwards. After 3 days in school, Clarence is still eating the same food. He has not tried any other food from other stalls in the canteen.
His favourite food combination:

I rushed after work to pick him up from his school on the 3rd day. He was already on the school bus when I reached there. Needless to say, he was very happy to see me. I asked him to show me the way to his class and walked from his class to the school bus waiting area to make sure he knew where to board the bus cos the school bus uncle would not be going to his class to pick him from the 4th day onwards. I also showed him how to go to the bookshop to buy books.
My tired boy fell asleep in the car on our way home.

After we reached home, he started doing his first homework:

Pasting pictures of him onto the drawing paper:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First day

Clarence woke up at 5.30am to have breakfast and get ready for his first day of school. The first word he said to me when I woke him up was: TIRED.
Cereal and milk for breakfast:

Putting on his shoes and socks:

At the bus stop waiting for the school bus at 6.02am. The pick-up time is 6.05am daily! So early.

Bus no.18 for Clarence. He was not the first on bus, there were 5 other kids on the school bus. Can't imagine their pick-up time.
Bye bye son!

I drove over to see him in his school. He was surprised to see me in the hall cos I did not tell him I will be going. He asked me why I was there and how come there were so many parents around?

This was what he bought for his recess on his first day:

Taking out coins from his wallet to pay for the food: (his P5 buddy helping him)

After he got his food, it took him some time to find a place to sit down. He was too choosy, everywhere the buddy suggested, he shook his head. Was he trying to find a completely empty table? In the end, I went up and asked him to sit down.

Look at his shirt:

Stained by the black sauce while he was looking for a place to sit. Faint! My first reaction: how to wash? My dear assured me he would take care of the stain.
After he finished he food, his buddy, John took him to the bookshop.

After school dismissal at 1.35pm, Clarence took the school bus and went to student care. By the time he reached the student care, it was already 2.50pm. My poor son! He looked so dreamy. He fell asleep on the bus. I was so shocked to see the state he was in when he alighted from his school bus.
Beside the stain on his shirt, the 2 buttons on the shoulders came off and his shirt was not tucked in!

Lunch at student care:

He did not like the idea of staying in the student care after school. But really no choice cos mummy needs to work. I promise to bring him back as early as I can everyday.
Thought this was nice from the school, a certificate to the P1 kids:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Is he ready?

Tomorrow is Clarence's first day of school. Mummy bought this elastic thing to hold his wallet to his shorts so that he will not lose his wallet.

His school bag has been packed yesterday and mummy has gone through the items in his bag with him.
Name tags has been ironed on his school uniform by daddy and all uniforms has been ironed.
All ready for P1.
Role playing of buying food in the canteen:

Faint, took so long to take out $1, furthermore still took out the wrong amount. Told him to get his money ready while queuing for food.
Taught him how to ask permission to go toilet and reminded him numerous time his school bus number. Asked him to pay attention in class. Told him to go toilet before school and during his breaks. What else did I miss out?
Is he ready for Primary 1? Am I being paranoid?

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Bought 2 nighties for Vincy during the cottononkids sale. Her first nightie:

When she was sleeping, the nightie cropped up to her waist. Not ladylike at all!