Tay Jieren Clarence 郑杰仁 

DOB:13 July 2004 Birth weight: 3.635kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tay Yingxi Vincy 郑颖希 

DOB:27 Aug 2008 Birth weight:3.125Kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fridge magnet

Clarence did a fridge magnet during his art lesson on Sat. He attempted to cut out the shapes required but the circle he cut did not look like a circle, so the teacher cut out the shapes for him and he did the sticking and colour combination. Weird, but he drew a spider on the doll's clothes. He simply loves these yucky creatures like dinosaurs, rhinos and crocodiles. The fridge magnet is now on the fridge serving its purpose.

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