Tay Jieren Clarence 郑杰仁 

DOB:13 July 2004 Birth weight: 3.635kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tay Yingxi Vincy 郑颖希 

DOB:27 Aug 2008 Birth weight:3.125Kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, June 11, 2012

Build a bear

Vincy has been asking us to bring her to build a bear for a long time. Mummy saw a groupon for build a bear at $9.90 (excluding accessories) the other day so quickly purchased the voucher.
This was the the $9.90 bear (only can choose between blue or pink). Of course the pink bear for Vincy.

When asked to choose a sound for the teddy bear, she picked a birthday song. So when you press the bear's palm, the birthday song will be played. Then she went to the cotton machine to fill up her bear:

Stepping on the pedal to generate the machine:

She chose a heart for the bear. She was told to rub the heart with her palm and make a wish with the heart. Later when we asked her what wish she made, she told us she wished we will buy the bear for her. We burst out laughing after hearing her wish. Silly girl, she was afraid we will ask her to put the bear back after everything.

Putting the heart into the teddy bear:

Done! The teddy bear was sewn up with cotton and heart in it.

Next station: brushing the bear:

Shopping time: choosing clothes and shoes for her teddy.

Dressing the teddy up:

It's done!

Last stop at the computer to create her bear's birth certificate. She named her bear fluffie.

My contended girl ready to go home with her fluffie:

Hugging and playing with her bear at the dessert shop while we have our desserts.

She was so happy that night. She smiled so sweetly in all her photos. However that comes with a price, daddy got to pay close to $50 for the bear's dress and shoes and sound. My $9.90 was only for the bear excluding accessories. Well anything is worth it to make my little princess happy!

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