Vincy went for her first ballet lesson 2 wks ago. My cute gal with her new ballet bag:

I have been telling her days before her first lesson that I would be waiting for her outside the class. However, she refused to let go of my hand so I had to go in with her. Inside the class, she glued herself to me and did not want to join in. She just sat aside and observed. After much encouragement and warming up, she then participated in the activities.
Supposed to pick up the feathers with her thumb and middle finger:

Playing mouse and cat game. Vincy was the mouse.
Lying down to pretend to be a sleeping cat:

This is the dolphin position:
They pretended to be different animals, like giraffe, alligator, mouse, cat etc. Hopping like a rabbit
They have to walk gracefully and pick up the feathers, aka "flower" to sniff. If the flower smell nice, they keep. If it does not smell nice then they throw away. Vincy ended up throwing away all the flowers. She found joy tossing them away.
Jumping over a line. Oops, she jumped queue to come to the front.
Kicking legs and doing head and shoulders, knees and toes.
Cinderella: They were given scarf and they were pretending to be Cinderella, cleaning the house.
Riding on a horse to find her prince charming. Look at the happy expression on her face while she was galloping around.
Forming a circle
Saying goodbye
She got a sticker after her class.

I am glad to be in the class with her for her first lesson so that I will know what she is learning and I can take pictures and videos of her. Found the class entertaining for little kids and was glad that Vincy could follow instructions in the class. However, she is more like a little monkey than a graceful ballerina in class. Ha ha! She was on her own for her second lesson last week. Good job, Vincy!