I am quite pleased with what they have to offer based on the presentation. We signed Clarence up for dance aesthetics (compulsory to sign up for 1 of the aesthetics)
After the speech, we pick Clarence from his class after filling in all the required forms.
Mummy also made a cheque payment of $100 (another $200 to deduct from his Edusave acc)for his enrichment classes (Eng speech and drama, Chinese speech and drama, reading supplementary materials, online learning management system and Physical Art/Music Enrichment (Wushu, PE Gymnastics, Hip Hop Dance and Vocal Training).
I thought the enrichment were well planned in the sense they put everything in rather than collect for each one separately.
Wonder if the enrichment classes are compulsory? Anyway, already paid.
Clarence in his class waiting for us to pick him after touring the school compound:
PE attire:
(We were given 2 cards to write words of encouragement to Clarence. The cards will be given to him on the first day of school. Think Clarence will be happy to receive the cards on that day.)
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