Physical (Gross/Fine)
Vincy is still working on both her gross and fine motor and has developed a certain degree of attainments which allow her to master some self-help skills such as putting on her shoes. She is also able to walk up the stairs independently by holding the handrail and landing on both feet after hopping.
Intellectual/ Cognitive
Vincy has good recognition over objects or pictures that were introduced. She is able to identify them by pointing. She makes good effort to pronounce a vocab if she knows.
She works relatively well with individual puzzles and capable of simple problem solving.
Social/ Emotional/ Moral
Vincy has started to become very vocal about her wants and needs. However, as she is not yet fully capable of expressing herself clearly, there are times when she will encounter conflicts with her peers. Vincy is very responsive in class and participates actively during circle time. She likes talking to the teachers and enjoys reading books and particularly loves story-telling time.
Overall comments
Vincy is a cheerful girl with a bright smile who loves having her photographs taken and enjoys story-telling and reading. She encourages her friends to follow instructions and sets an exemplary example for the others to follow. Vincy gets excited and is very enthusiastic when it comes to learning new things, and her curiosity to explore greatly helps in her overall development.
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