Tay Jieren Clarence 郑杰仁 

DOB:13 July 2004 Birth weight: 3.635kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tay Yingxi Vincy 郑颖希 

DOB:27 Aug 2008 Birth weight:3.125Kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chinese New Year Day 1

First stop for our Chinese New Year visiting on Day 1 was my mother-in-law's place. This year, I dressed my kids up as Koreans.
Look at Vincy in her korean costume!

The spendthrift mummy also bought a set of Korean costume for Clarence too. I think they look so cute in the costumes!

This picture of my darlings kissing was taken sometime in Dec, when they tried on the costumes.

Vincy vomited during lunch and we had to wash her clothes while she took a short nap. When she woke up, I went to carry her and she vomited again, this time on me.
So we went back home and washed the clothes while Vincy slept. After she woke up, we gave her milk and changed back to our New Year clothes (thanks to the efficient dryer at home).
Vincy vomited again in the car on our way to my mum's place. Fortunately I brought along a small bucket and managed to contain all her vomit inside.
Vincy was very cranky and refused to mingle around at my mum's place.
Towards the evening, she got better and was willing to walk around. We were so relieved.

Mummy changed her into another set of traditional chinese new year clothes at night.

How can we spent Chinese New Year without playing blackjack. And judging from the pictures, one can tell my dear was the banker.

It was a rare time for all of us to gather and we really enjoy the company of our relatives.

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