Tay Jieren Clarence 郑杰仁 

DOB:13 July 2004 Birth weight: 3.635kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tay Yingxi Vincy 郑颖希 

DOB:27 Aug 2008 Birth weight:3.125Kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 28, 2010


We were invited to Chloe's 3rd birthday party at The Esta 2 wks ago. Mummy dressed Vincy up in a Japanese Yukata. I bought it a few months ago. Finally found an occasion for her to wear!

Clarence went swimming at the condo pool while waiting for the party to start.

Meimei joined in too! The pool was terribly cold, just like the Suntec pool.

Meimei took a picture with the birthday gal Chloe!

Managed to take a family photo before we left.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tie hair

Mummy tried to tie Vincy's hair the other day. This is how she looks like:

When I pick her up from school today, I was surprised to see her hair tied up. Her teacher tied her hair for her cos it was too hot. My cute gal:

I think she looks a little bit like Boo (the little gal in Monster Inc cartoon) when she ties her hair.

Monday, January 25, 2010

School again!

Mummy was on mc on last Monday and Tuesday so I got to witness how cranky Vincy was in the morning. She was sticking to me the whole morning and cried when we put on her school uniform for her. She refused to go near Daddy (dun know why).
While we were waiting for the school bus downstairs, she only allowed me to carry her. When the school bus drove in, she seemed to recognise the bus and cling on tightly to me. She was wailing when I passed her to the school bus auntie. My poor gal!

When she went to school today, she was very good. Exceptionally good, no crying in the school bus and in school. The school bus auntie and school teachers all praised her. I was pleasantly surprised cos she has been away from school since last Wed to now (total of 5 days including weekends) as she was down with fever. Boss and I thought she would be difficult in school but she proved us wrong. Glad that she is enjoying school!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Puppet monster

Clarence made a puppet monster last week. He was very pleased with his work and showed it to me the moment he reached home.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

After 2 wks

Vincy has been in childcare for 2 wks. She is slowly adapting. According to daddy who send her off to the school bus everyday, she will still cry but will stretch out her arms to the school bus auntie. In school, she will whine a bit on and off.
Last Friday, she drank 420ml of milk in the morning. She drank 240ml, refused to let go of the bottle, so daddy made another 120ml, then another 60ml and she finished all. Daddy's conspiracy theory: she thought she won't need to go to school if she kept drinking milk!
When I picked her up on Friday, she did not cry when she saw me. A big improvement! The teacher told me she did not cry at all for the whole day and she enjoyed her water play in school. She was happily smiling and playing in the water. However, she attempted to bite a classmate. Luckily she was stopped by the teacher and no damage was done.
My cheeky gal:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Clarence got a small cup of free yogurt (for food tasting) at Vivo and greedy Vincy kept bugging him to give some to her. So Clarence was forced to share the pathetic small cup of yogurt with his sister.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Vincy's file

I was surprised to see Vincy's file in her bag last friday. She actually did some work in school. I thought she just cry in school. Ha ha! Her first school file:

I think she pasted those colourful shaped at the back of the bookmark with help from her teacher.

There are altogether 4 book in her file, Chinese, Thematic learning, Share a story and We've got character.
Her chinese book:

Thematic learning

Teacher's comment: Vincy enjoys worksheet activities
Share a story

Teacher's comment: Vincy enjoys pasting and tearing out
We've got character

Teacher's comment: strong fine motor skills observed
I was a bit touched to see her work, although she could not colour nicely yet. So I think it is good to send her to childcare to expose her and let her learn to be independent. According to the teacher, she has started learning to feed herself in school.
She has to bring her swimwear for school every friday for water play. So exciting! How I wish I could be there to take pictures!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

GoGreen Segway

We purposely went to T3 for dinner so that we could try out the Segway. We missed it the the other time cos the queue was long and we promised Clarence we would go back to try again. We spent $40+ for dinner and redeemed 3 Segway passes for $15.
Taking pictures with the helmet on us while waiting for our turn.

Lesson time before we zoom off.

Fun time

The Segway is very sensitive to our body movements and it is fun to travel on it. Clarence wanted more after 2 rounds. Maybe we will go back again another day?

Friday, January 8, 2010


Last Sunday, Daddy went ice skating with Clarence, Uncle Steven and Isaac while mummy brought Vincy to Peek-a-boo playgound. The place is very small compared to other indoor playgrounds we have been to.
Pictures of my princess playing in there:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

First 3 days

First day of school:
Vincy went to school on 4/1/2010. Boss followed her on the school bus and stayed with her for about an hour before leaving her there.
Feedback from the teacher: She cried now and then in the morning and adapted well in the afternoon. She ate half a bowl of rice, drank 120ml of milk and slept for one and a half hour.
Video of her when I went to pick her up from school on Monday:

She was crying for me to carry her when she saw me outside the gate. I was heart broken.

Second day of school:
Boss sent Vincy up the bus and she cried when she realised daddy was not going up with her. Daddy was so heart broken. Clarence witnessed it and said he would like to change to Vincy's school so that he can go up the bus with her and take care of her. So thoughtful of him!
Feedback from the teacher: She was crying when she alighted from the bus. She ate half a bowl of porridge for lunch but finished all her 180ml of milk. She was not crying so much as compared to the first day. She prefer to follow the older kids class and hit some of the older kids in school. Oh dear!
Pictures of Clarence and Vincy when I picked her from school that day.

At our void deck:

Third day of school:
She cried when she was sent up the school bus.
Feedback form the teacher: She was not crying when she alighted from the bus. (improvement!)She ate all her lunch and finished her milk and she was adapting well in school.

Mummy's observation: Vincy was very tired when she came home from childcare for the past 3 days. She was rather cranky and always wanted me to carry her. The third day was the worst cos she cried now and then at home for no reason. I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope she will adapt soon!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Vincy found a playmate few weeks ago. Our neighbour Nikki, is about 2 mths younger than Vincy. We have been to Nikki's place for a few times, all thanks to Auntie June who invited us over.
Now that mummy got to work, we will have less chance to meet Auntie June and Nikki.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Clarence drew a dog for last week's art lesson. Although all the kids drew dogs for that session, you will be surprised to find that their dogs look different from one and other. Clarence's dog is a chef dog. That is why the dog is wearing a chef hat with a plate of bone in the background. Another girl drew a dog with a shopping bag in the background.

Sticking out his tongue like a dog:


Clarence painted a box and drew a butterfly on the cover. He used the box to store his dino dual toys.

The box was not durable, started to tear so it is now lying in the rubbish bin.


Supposed to draw reindeer for Christmas but Clarence told the teacher he wanted to draw a hippo, so we have a hippo instead:

A little weird to find a Christmas tree beside the hippo!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Vincy and mummy are going to school tomorrow! Mummy will be going back to work and Vincy is going to a childcare centre. We bought a new bag, towels, toothbrush, water bottle for her. While we were shopping for her stuff, the shopaholic mummy was not at all happy buying all these stuff. How I wish Vincy can stay by my side but I know it is not possible. Got to learn to let go.

Strawberry shortcake bag, strawberry shortcake towel and strawberry shortcake water-bottle for Vincy. (All pink)

Some pictures of Vincy in her childcare centre when I went to register her.

Vincy with her new bag.

In her over-sized school uniform

Demonstrating how to pull her trolley bag:

Christmas by the park

We had our Christmas celebration at Pasir Ris Park with the Chuas and Wongs.
Clarence was lost in the park that day. Fortunately he remembered his daddy's handphone number when a lady found him crying for daddy and mummy. She contacted boss and we managed to find our dear Clarence. He didn't dare to run far off after that.
So he stick to us and played with Isaac's Christmas present.

Vincy played with Domi's little car.

When the Chuas and Wongs arrived, Clarence gradually forgot his fear and played with his friends in the park.

Little Vincy and Agnes.

Auntie Janet brought sparklers and the naughty boys had fun by using the sparklers to burn leaves and tree trunk. Faint!

Little Vincy did not know how to play with other kids yet, so her favourite activity was climbing up a little slope and then coming down again.

Picnic time!