Tay Jieren Clarence 郑杰仁 

DOB:13 July 2004 Birth weight: 3.635kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tay Yingxi Vincy 郑颖希 

DOB:27 Aug 2008 Birth weight:3.125Kg Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, September 28, 2009

Forest Adventure

Mummy has been waiting for Clarence to turn 5 and reach 1.1m so that I can bring him to Forest Adventure. We booked 2 slots for Clarence and his cousin Dubery on 21/9/09. Before the booking, we brainwashed Clarence and prepared him mentally by letting him see Isaac's videos and pictures at the Forest Adventure.
We bought a pair of sports shoes for Clarence that morning so that he could go as he only has a pair of crocs at home. I wanted to buy those cheap $18 white shoes but my son insisted getting the transformers pair which cost $33. (Did not want to buy the more expensive pair cos we got a feeling he would back out at the course and it would be a waste of money)
The excited boy with his new pair of shoes:

It was a long walk to the forest adventure. Mummy felt very excited and nervous cos we weren't very hopeful that Clarence will go for the course cos we all knew he was afraid of speed and height. We were prepared to just go and let him watch Dubery gor gor complete the course and bring him there another time.
Gearing up with the safety harness and helmet:

Clarence did not talk and he looked blank when he was preparing, we knew he was scared.
Waiting for his turn to climb up the tree:

Climbing up:

On the top, getting ready for the first course:

To our surprise, he went through the first course easily. He did not back out. At that moment, I was already very contended. He was the smallest size and youngest participant for that session.

The second course:

He crossed the rope quickly.

After the first 2 course, he would hug the tree tightly while waiting for his turn. (Really scared!)

The shaking bridge:

The 4th course: crossing the rope. He could not reach the rope on top so he crossed holding on to his safety harness belt.

Everything was well until he reached the 5th course, he dared not cross the log and started to cry. So the instructor came by and helped him.

The 6th course looked easy at first but after a few steps on the wooded plank, the plank disappeared and he had to stretch out his foot to step on the small log.

The 7th course was the easiest. Clarence told me it was a little bit shaky while he was crawling inside.

The 8th course: He was shaking his head and bum bum when he was walking.

The 9th course:

The 10th course was definitely the hardest of all. Walking and balancing on the swing. Clarence cried and the kind instructor helped him to cross by stepping on each swing for him.

The 11th course was tough for him cos he was too short to reach the the rope so he was scared and cried and the instructor helped by holding his hand.

The 12th course was easy for him.

Clarence cried again while crossing the rope cos he could not reach the top of the rope at all so he was very scared.

The second last:

The last was flying fox which was the favourite for most children. It was a nightmare for Clarence though. He cried all the way down. Mummy's camera went out of battery so did not take the video of him coming down.
We were all very proud of Clarence as he managed to complete the forest adventure. Wow! He felt proud of himself too. A good experience!

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